Year One: 1998
Julian Daknis
Pine Street Rythym Section
Randall McKinnon
Billy Sanborn
Mary Fagan
Steve Kearly
Cactus Jack and the Little Pricks
Dean Misantoni
The Kudzu Brothers
Moose and Tre with The Fagan Band
The Alma Brothers Band with Ted from Shakedown Street
Year Two: 1999
Al Strack
Pine Street Rythym Section
Chris Plummer
The Kudzu Brothers
The Second Hand Shoe Band
The Burn
Julian Daknis
Pete Violet
Frost and Fire
Dean Misantoni and Friends
Mike Rawles Hour of Power
Justin Schlosberg
Year Three: 2000
Dust On My Hat
Raised On Rhubarb
Big Tree
Atomic Pablo
Cactus Jack and the Little Pricks
Tundra Sun
The Burn
Year Four: 2001
Alma Guitar Circle
Dean Misantoni
Yokel Ono
Gathering Without a Permit
Dust On Your Hat
Patty Best
The Burn
Red Hot Blues Catz
Big Tree
The Miltones
Year Five: 2002
Michael Royer
Trevor G. Potter with Moose
Dean Misantoni
Spider Murphy
Patti Best
The Burn
The Ben Kinky Trio
The Serious Bizzness Blues Band
The Red Hot Bluez Catz
Loose Cannon
Gary Snipes and the Pine Street Rythm Section
The 4 Peace Band
The Kudzu Brothers
Black Hole Express
Year Six: 2003
Michael Royer
Spider Murphy and the Pushovers
Sonny Boy and Money
Patty Best
The Eclectic Orchestra
The Burn
Dean Misantoni and Friends
Tuscawara River Band
Trevor G. Potter
Common Taters
Drunk Monkey
Redraw the Farm
Pine Street Drum Circle
Phat Lizard
Park County Chorale
Ray-Ray and the Sungods
The Kudzus
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